
Founded a student-run arts publication at CMU
Publication Design
Print and Layout Design
Timeline: 14 weeks
In collaboration with: Jacky Lococo, Thien Le, Jessica Lai, Middy Vella

Carnegie Mellon University is widely known for its STEM programs, but has a lack of understanding and promotion surrounding the arts. The university has a long history of producing a connection to the arts, however that connection tends to go unnoticed. Through our publication, we hope to provide a formal lens into that world. Lemon Magazine aims to showcase student artistic practices in an effort to build a community not only for the artistic population at CMU, but also to extend beyond to the broader CMU and Pittsburgh population.
For our second issue of Lemon following our pilot issue, the theme was Absurdity. As Head of Production, my role inculded overseeing a team of six designers to see the magazine to fruition.

Brand Guidelines

Bold, zesty and playful 
Updated September 2024